....3:50 a.m right now, and yes, unfortunately i'm still unable to close these eyes tightly yet. apparently, staying up late doing assignments for the last couple of days has turned me into a nocturnal. i feel so fresh, i could definitely be Batman's sidekick right now! although i'm not that good with heights, perhaps i could be the cushion on the ground instead. lols, see how crappy i am when i'm unable to sleep? @@.
ohh yeah, getting back to the topic: Give-Aways and Re-Selling Vintage Items Of Mine Project!
i know i've said that before, but i haven't be able to get back on this project yet. too much clutterS to deal with, literally. however, i have gathered stuffs i'm going to giveaway, so just stay tuned for updates yeah :) hopefully, in a couple of weeks, if i'm not baking macaroons for F's sister's wedding *yay, finally gonna have the chance to do it :D*, i'll be posting up the giveaways!
on the other hand, for my re-selling items; let me tell you something,
expect tops && dresses in POLKA DOTS, abundantly! ;)
as you all know, i am a huge fan of polka-dots-printed stuffs, yes, that's one of my guilty pressure!
true fact: apparently, right now i'm in the possession of more than FIVE polka dot dresses. i know, right.
i've puchased so many items from various famous blogshops such as Vintage Rockstar, Vintage Day Out, Cupclothes, Furui and heck a lot more, online or offline. so, sadly, i might have to resell some of the stuffs i bought. in order to fill my closet with new stuffs, hence i'm letting of the old ones go.
so dearest all, please abide with me for a while and stay tuned for the updates :)
Batman's Sidekick,